We offer different kind of Nanny services, from part-time nanny to live-in nanny to vacation nanny and also on cleaning services.
We offer different kind of Nanny services, from part-time nanny to live-in nanny to vacation nanny and so on.
Our babysitters work daily,weekly but mostly daily(Mondays-Sundays). They get to be with your kids while you are away or within.They have been trained on how to relate well with kids.
You might just need to clean your office or your home just for the day and this also applies to special occasions where you need to have a clean environment for your event and after.
We also clean your home and its surroundings every week.
Our workers can also work for you monthly.
Birthdays,Weddings, and so on need cleaners before and after the celebrations.Happy Home is ready to give your place a neat and wecoming look.